Hello, I’m
Prof Celene Bernstein Your Health Mentor
I work with women who want to reclaim their zest4life. I have over 40 years’ experience in the health and wellbeing sector and I am passionate about transforming lives. You CAN change your current and future health today by changing what you eat and living a healthier lifestyle.
Are you a woman who who has been working hard, either personally or professionally for YEARS and has let your health and wellbeing be relegated to the bottom of the pile?
If you answered "YES" to any of these questions then you are in the right place and I can help.
I do this by using the very best nutritional science from all the research I have done over the years, combined with accountability, gentle but firm coaching support. My clients say that following my programmes have improved their energy, enabled them to maintain weight loss and regain their zest4life! Would you like to join them?
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Core Services
Stress is one of the main challenges we face in this day and age, trying to meet more demands than ever and as a result we make bad food choices and our sleep habits become compromised. This all leads to internal stress increasing inflammation and stress hormone production. External stresses from our jobs, family responsibilities, financial worries are also plaguing us. This leads to an epidemic of stress and increased risk for chronic diseases. Do you know there is so much we can do to stop it?Weightloss
The secret to successful weight loss isn’t starving yourself; nor is it limiting your food choices or following a rigid pattern of eating. It is simply keeping your blood sugar balanced and your food choices healthy. This will not only help you to lose weight, but will also give you more energy and plenty of welcome side effects, such as better skin, improved digestion enhanced mood and better sleep.. After many years of research into healthy eating, nutrition and weight loss, I’ve discovered the key to achieving perfect weight and that is to keep your blood sugar levels stable.Beating Chronic Fatigue
Many people feel tired all the time, usually due to blood sugar problems or lack of nutrients, but chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is something different. People with CFS often talk about becoming exhausted after eating and after exercise or any mildly strenuous activity. I have found, in almost most cases, chronic fatigue can be solved by asking a number of relevant questions and through the answers will help me solve any of the common causes of chronic fatigue. As a result this can transform how you can change how you feel very quickly.Programme Of Eating
Fat or carbs, plant-based or meat? It’s no wonder everyone’s confused. Variation is the key to weight loss and improved health. There’s no need to choose – you can have the best of all worlds, enjoying fatty foods (whether you’re carnivorous or not) and healthy carbs. Based on the latest cutting-edge of science I have put together a plan that is sound, simple and delicious.Safe Natural Ways To Solve Common Health Problems
Never a week goes by without someone asking me what they can do for this or that condition. After 40 years of clinical and research experience, and treating thousands of people, I have created one resource that tells me what really works for the most common health problems we experience – not by suppressing symptoms, but by understanding why we get sick in the first place and dealing with the root causes. The causes of most diseases are many. However, the truth is that most diseases happen only when you’ve lost your resilience as a result of many years of accumulated bad health habits. When you increase your health reserve through good medicine, your body will have resilience, so that the slightest insult will not tip you into ill-health once again.Eating Habits
The food you eat can affect your health and your risk for certain diseases. To eat healthier food, you may need to change some of your daily habit as well as changing some things in your environment. Your environment includes everything around you, like your home or the place you work. You don't have to change your habits all at the same time. It's best to set small goals and change your habits a little bit at a time. Over time, small changes can make a big difference to your health.Core Services
Stress is one of the main challenges we face in this day and age, trying to meet more demands than ever and as a result we make bad food choices and our sleep habits become compromised. This all leads to internal stress increasing inflammation and stress hormone production. External stresses from our jobs, family responsibilities, financial worries are also plaguing us. This leads to an epidemic of stress and increased risk for chronic diseases. Do you know there is so much we can do to stop it?Weightloss
The secret to successful weight loss isn’t starving yourself; nor is it limiting your food choices or following a rigid pattern of eating. It is simply keeping your blood sugar balanced and your food choices healthy. This will not only help you to lose weight, but will also give you more energy and plenty of welcome side effects, such as better skin, improved digestion enhanced mood and better sleep.. After many years of research into healthy eating, nutrition and weight loss, I’ve discovered the key to achieving perfect weight and that is to keep your blood sugar levels stable.Beating Chronic Fatigue
Many people feel tired all the time, usually due to blood sugar problems or lack of nutrients, but chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is something different. People with CFS often talk about becoming exhausted after eating and after exercise or any mildly strenuous activity. I have found, in almost most cases, chronic fatigue can be solved by asking a number of relevant questions and through the answers will help me solve any of the common causes of chronic fatigue. As a result this can transform how you can change how you feel very quickly.Programme Of Eating
Fat or carbs, plant-based or meat? It’s no wonder everyone’s confused. Variation is the key to weight loss and improved health. There’s no need to choose – you can have the best of all worlds, enjoying fatty foods (whether you’re carnivorous or not) and healthy carbs. Based on the latest cutting-edge of science I have put together a plan that is sound, simple and delicious.Safe Natural Ways To Solve Common Health Problems
Never a week goes by without someone asking me what they can do for this or that condition. After 40 years of clinical and research experience, and treating thousands of people, I have created one resource that tells me what really works for the most common health problems we experience – not by suppressing symptoms, but by understanding why we get sick in the first place and dealing with the root causes. The causes of most diseases are many. However, the truth is that most diseases happen only when you’ve lost your resilience as a result of many years of accumulated bad health habits. When you increase your health reserve through good medicine, your body will have resilience, so that the slightest insult will not tip you into ill-health once again.Eating Habits
The food you eat can affect your health and your risk for certain diseases. To eat healthier food, you may need to change some of your daily habit as well as changing some things in your environment. Your environment includes everything around you, like your home or the place you work. You don't have to change your habits all at the same time. It's best to set small goals and change your habits a little bit at a time. Over time, small changes can make a big difference in your health.Book Your Appointment
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Contact Details
Call Now: +27 8233 88 185
Consulting Hours
- Monday - Friday 8.00 - 17.00

Marilda - Emotional Eating Programme
This is what Marilda says about working with me
Interview with Marilda van Niekerk – January 2020
Prof Celene Bernstein: What was your situation like before we started to work together?
Marilda: I was not interested in any form of diet or weight-loss programme. However Celene phoned me and insisted that I commit to her programme
Prof Celene Bernstein: What reservations, if any, did you have about working with me before?
Marilda: I was afraid that it would be eating a set amount of food each day which would make me gain all the weight lost at the end of the programme. I did not know Celene and was very sceptical about the whole thing.
Prof Celene Bernstein: What has the process of working with me been like?
Marilda: To work with Celene has given me a new lease on life. I was taught the importance of looking at what I eat and whether it will benefit or disagree with my body. For the first time I now know what food does to me and this gave me the power to be in charge of my own weight loss by choosing what I want to eat.
Professor Celene Bernstein: What is the one best result you have got from working with me?
Marilda: I lost 24 kg since July 2019. I am not tired of the eating program or feeling deprived. I look better, feel better, have more energy and realise for the first time how easy it is to be in charge of your own health and lifestyle. I am never going to stop with this eating program.
Prof Celene Bernstein: Anything else you would like to add?
Marilda: It has been a pleasure to work with Celene and as result have referred many of my friends.
stay healthy with
Healthy Tips
Drink Plenty Of Water
Drinking water and staying hydrated is so very important for the body. Before you tear into a bag of potato chips drink a glass of water first. People sometimes confuse thirst with hunger, so you can end up eating extra calories when an ice-cold glass of water is really what you needed. If plain water doesn’t cut it, try drinking sparking water (add some Xylitol if needed) or brew a cup of fruit infused herbal tea, which you can drink hot or cold. Green tea is also a great choice.
Maintain Healthy Digestion
Chew your food thoroughly - this is the first stage of digestion. Consider supplementing digestive enzymes and probiotics (a supplement of good gut bacteria) for a month if you suffer from indigestion, stomach upsets, constipation or other digestive complaints.
Be Choosy About Night-Time Snacks
Take Care Of Yourself
The information on www.thehealthmentor.co.za is designed for educational purposes only and is not intended to serve as medical advice. The information provided on this site should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. It is not a substitute for professional care. Your health is the sum total of all your life choices and appropriate professional care and guidance should be taken as you make changes to your diet. If you have or suspect you may have a health problem, you should consult your health care provider.